Friday, March 9, 2007

Working the Brain

We didn't have much to add on Thursday, just the usual school and such, which has been sucking out most of our energy lately. The early phase of learning a new language is very demanding and you have to think hard to say just about anything. Neither of us are anti social, but it can be quite annoying when another student tries to speak to us in French during one of our breaks--it's kind of like someone walks up to you and politely asks, "Hey, what's the square root of 655?" You literally feel physically exhausted after these lessons sometimes.

Trying to fit in with our 20-year old friends, we did go to another house party last night, although came home before midnight this time. There's definitely a group forming here of german, mexican, swedish, italian, and swiss. At one point in the night it was literally a cacaphony of english, spanish, italian, german, and swedish echoing through this tiny apartment. Ironic that no french could be heard, despite the fact that we're all here to learn it.

On the food front, we're pretty much eating stuff from grocery stores and haven't hit any restaurants yet. Perhaps this weekend would be a good time!

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