Friday, March 16, 2007

Pub Soccer

Last night we went to an Irish pub to watch some soccer. PSG, the team from Paris, was playing in a european tournament and the most obvious place to watch a game over here is at pubs. Most of the games are on premium channels, so you can't really avoid the smokey bar thing if you want to watch soccer. It's funny how almost every city in europe has an Irish pub - although people appreciate this particular ubiquity, unlike mcdonalds!
Anyhow, it is friday afternoon, class is out, and we are going to the beach! We will definitely post pics soon, from last week and this coming weekend.
-- One last thing: there is pretty much no way for us to watch march madness... however I suppose not much has changed for Stanford, as we managed to give up 46 points in the first half of our defeat yesterday.


Unknown said...

first time here, read through the whole blog...i wasn't sure if i blogged after previous posts you'd know, so i'm blogging from the most recent...

your first dinner with the landlords, it appears jean-jacques is holding a traditional aperitif called lillet blanc. i see lots of beer mugs, so i'm not sure you've tried it, but you have to order it the next time out, you will love it.

as for your french lessons, you better be getting better.

fink, lets test out your reading skills...est ce qu'il y a beaucoup de belles filles a montpelier? quand tu sors pour la nuit, vas tu en boite ou seulement des bars?

Ilia & Fink, ca me fait plaisir qu'on va se voir en trois semaines pendant pacques. on doit faire les gros fetes...Dormez vous bien en avance!

johnrob said...

Nous serons pret pour pacques. A Montpellier, on peut tres bien se entrainer pour faire de la fete!