Thursday, March 15, 2007

All the way up to 30 degrees!

I think if you want to learn a foreign language, total submersion is definitely the way to go. I can't recall actually enjoying studying french in school as much as I am right now, what with the vibrant social nightlife among the other students, and the learning of all these French customs (both the good and the bad), along with being on what feels like an extremely extended vacation--I'm almost starting to think that we should have planned to stay in Montpellier for the entire 6 months. One thing that I've finally gotten used to is the 24-hour clock that they use over here, although I haven't gotten used to the whole celcius thing yet. Everytime someone enthusiastically talks about it getting up to the 30's I want to look at them like they're crazy or something. 30 degrees sounds pretty freakin cold to me, but it corresponds to something "really hot" in fahrenheit. I don't even want to get started on kilos vs. pounds, etc... No clue there.

One adjustment that both John and I have easily picked up, however, is the legality of drinking beers in the street. We're loving this total lack of an open container law, although the first night John walked out of our apartment with a beer I was certain he was going to be arrested (he wasn't).

Our french is getting much better, we can now almost have simple conversations with each other, and there's much less "uhhh....uhhhh..." going on when we speak. My instructor has taken to calling me "La Dictionaire," which is good from the standpoint that I'm getting better at French, but I'm not sure I like being the goody-two-shoes of the class.


Unknown said...

The quick way to convert celsius to fahrenheit is to double it and add 30.

Karen S said...

Happy Happy Birthday. I hope it IS 30°C for you at least!

Sooooo, do we have more pictures?